Q: Why when we get older, do men get
ear (and nose) hair and women get chin hair.
A: Pt. 1 As we get older (and I know this does not include you JAG or FOWC)
our hormones and estrogen levels change, causing hair to grow in places we
did not (and don't want) have before. in most cases this is normal, but
your doctor may have some options for you.
A: Pt. 2 God, the all mighty and all powerful has a crappy since of humor.
He's a just sittin up there laughin at us.
I hope that this clears it up for you.
It's been so long...
15 years ago
Been doing some Blog Stalking this evening and just wanted to leave a wee message to say I am very much enjoying your Blog.
So, if it's ok I'd like to ask a question?
In relation to you're answer to this post.
Why is it that as some women get older and develop this facial hair they seem to be blind to the fact that they could beat Tom Sellek in a hairy man contest?
Oh my god know one told me about facial hair!!! Must go and check! I will now blame you if I find some! I had no clue this happens and if it does I'm horrified!!! WHY? WHY? WHY? It seems the reality of ageing is truly dawning on me! All I can say is that is SC!!!!
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