The missing JAG is back, And she is HOT (take that how you want)
She needs some help with the color PINK, for her I have gone to great lengths
to retrieve the information she is in need of! (really I had sweat on my brow and everything)
So here we go!
Q: 1 Why is it when you search Google for (a word I wont use here.......JAG) Flamingos,
PINK panter comes up?
A: Because Google search sucks that's why!
if you use windows live search (as I did in my researching of this) you get 3,470,000
results. and I looked at the first 70 and they were all on flamingos!
Q: 2 Is there something I'm missing?
A: YES, The "H" in panther in the 1st question! (I couldn't help it)
Q: 3 Are flamingos and freaking panthers (with an "H") in the same category. ? help me help you (uh OK)
A: Well, yes in a way! I did some very deep research on this (this is where the sweat thing came in). According to what I could find, here is the all knowing answer (from the all knowing answer guy). Flamingos, Panthers (with an "H") and Cadillacs say that PINK is in. But the strange thing about this is none are truly PINK! (yes I know you did not know this, just let me finish) now as I was saying. A Cadillac must be painted PINK. The PINK panther (again with an "H") is a cartoon character and there for not real. And a Flamingo is really white!, It is their diet that turns there feathers PINK. If you change their diet they will go back to being white.
I hope that this clears it up for you.
It's been so long...
15 years ago
See JAG, I'm asking a question on the comment of this post, Hmmmmm
The question is: How come you can't?
I hope that you can clear this up for me. lol
I love the answers but i am confused how come I cant what?
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