Sunday, August 17, 2008

An answer for the blues!/Your turn

OK, This is how I'm going to fight the Sunday blues for my readers.

After all this is to be fun!

Now it's your turn I'll ask a question every Sunday, and you post your answers in the comments.

Fair enough. (Well sure it is that's why I said it!)

OK here we go!

Q: Besides having to go to work on Monday! why do we hate Sundays so bad when they call it the day of rest?

I thought it would be a fitting question to get this started!

1 comment:

E.Rae said...

The day of rest? Who actually gets to rest on a Sunday? If it were trully a day of rest would we like the day better? is it not true that although God rested on a Sunday, He didn't actually go 'back to work' on Monday? Did you notice I answered this entire question in questions?

I know, I'm weird!