Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sunday's Question #10

Do you believe in GHOST and why?

I thought this would be a fitting question, And if I get some good story's from you I will tell you why or why not I believe in them. This is going to be the first bit in the rebirth of this blog!!


E.Rae said...

I totally believe in ghosts and spirits although I've never seen one. I would die on the spot if I ever did. I reckon I'm lucky that the only spirits that ever visit me (my two grans especially and maybe once in a while my cousin) know that I would die if I saw them and so they visit from afar!

Practically Joe said...

I don't believe in ghosts ... but you can scare the crap out of me with an unexpected "BOO!"

Doberman Gang said...

Lions and Tigers and Bears O my

Doberman Gang said...

Lions and Tigers and Bears O MY